Colleges & Universities
College and University Rankings
This site maintained by the University of Illinois provides an annotated guide to the many college ranking lists for both graduate and undergraduate colleges and universities. Includes a “Caution & Controversy” section detailing and questioning the methods, validity, and value of the various lists - or indeed of any list. Also provides lists by subject and discipline.
College Navigator
Good college selection site based using information from the National Center for Education Statistics. Select for state, degree, programs/major, setting, test scores, tuition, and more. Links to preparing for college, financial aid, and career planning.
Index of American Universities
Alphabetical listing of websites of American colleges and universities maintained by the University of Florida.
Peterson's Guide to Colleges and Universities
Broad, comprehensive site covering undergraduate and graduate school, testing, financial aid, and more. While its purpose is to offer fee-based services, there is much worthwhile information here.
U.S. News & World Report: Best Colleges
Lists ranking colleges by different criteria: best schools, best liberal arts, best value, and more. Articles on admissions, paying for college, and other information of interest.
U.S. News & World Report: Best Grad Schools
Lists ranking colleges by discipline. Additional articles and tips for graduate students.
Financial Aid
College Affordability Guide
This site provides information and advice regarding options students have to reduce the cost of their degree. “Affordability Scores” for the colleges are also provided.
Applications and filing.
Federal Student Aid
Includes information on preparing for college, types of aid, eligibility, repayment options, and FAFSA instructions.
Comprehensive site on all aspects of financial aid; scholarships, loans, applying for financial aid, saving for college, calculators, and more.
Official site of the ACT test includes test dates, and the ability to create an online account for registration, printing admission ticket, and submitting scores. Practice tests and tips included.
Information about the SAT and Subject tests, including practice, dates, and sign up. Also information on colleges, majors, and financial aid.
GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)
Official website for the GMAT. Information about the test and registration, free downloadable study software. Many other materials available for a fee.
GRE (Graduate Record Exam)
Test centers, dates, preparation including complete sample tests for GRE and GRE subject exams.
Free SAT prep course including practice exams. Information on applying, paying for, and getting into college.
LSAT (Law School Admission Test)
Registration, test dates and locations, free sample questions with explanations, free sample test.
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
Registration and information about the Test of English as a Foreign Language exam. Includes tutorials and practice.